
shaft - live 1973

Who's the black private dick                                     誰是那個秘密黑屌

That's a sex machine to all the chicks?                    所有小妞的性愛機器?

(Shaft!)                                                                    ( 謝夫特 )

You're damn right                                                 你他媽說對了

Who is the man                                                            誰是那個

That would risk his neck for his brother man?         肯幫兄弟 獻出性命冒險的人?

(Shaft!)                                                                       ( 謝夫特 )

Can ya dig it?                                                            懂了嗎?

Who's the cat that won't cop out                          誰是那隻躲過條子的貓

When there's danger all about                             每當遇到了危急時刻?

(Shaft!)                                                                  ( 謝夫特 )

Right on                                                                       有道理

You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother--                你看 這隻貓咪謝夫特  是個他媽的...

(Shut your mouth)                                                     ( 閉嘴 )

But I'm talkin' about Shaft                                        但我說的是謝夫特

(Then we can dig it)                                                 ( 那我們懂了 )

He's a complicated man                                                 他是個複雜的男人

But no one understands him but his woman                 但除了他的女人 沒人能了解他
(John Shaft)                                                                      ( 約翰謝夫特)

再怎麼難看都沒關係    有完美的片頭曲

再怎麼翻譯都不幽默    你必須自己學英文

偉大的Isaac Hayes     表情這麼純真      嗓音如此安穩  


