
She Belongs To Me Dylan

 She's got everything she needs                      她什麼都不缺

She's an artist, she don't look back                 她是個藝術家   她不回頭看

She's got everything she needs                        她什麼都不缺

She's an artist, she don't look back                 她是個藝術家   她不回頭看

She can take the dark out of nighttime             她可以把晚上的黑拿出來
And paint the daytime black                               然後把白天也塗黑

You will start out standing                                         一開始你會站在那

Proud to steal her anything she sees                      驕傲的偷取她看到的所有東西

You will start out standing                                         一開始你會站在那

Proud to steal her anything she sees                      驕傲的偷取她看到的所有東西

But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole     但最後你會從她的鎖孔裡窺看

Down upon your knees.                                                用兩膝跪著

She never stumbles                                                         她從來不會絆倒

She's got no place to fall                                                她沒有地方可以跌落

She never stumbles                                                         她從來不會絆倒

She's got no place to fall                                                她沒有地方可以跌落

She's nobody's child                                                     她不是任何人的孩子

The Law can't touch her at all.                                     法律完全碰不了她

She wears an Egyptian ring                                          她帶了一副埃及耳環

That sparkles before she speaks                                 在她說話之前就閃爍

She wears an Egyptian ring                                          她帶了一副埃及耳環

That sparkles before she speaks                                 在她說話之前就閃爍

She's a hypnotist collector                                             她是催眠師收藏家

You are a walking antique                                             你是會動的古董

Bow down to her on Sunday                                      星期天向她跪拜

Salute her when her birthday comes                        她生日時祝她健康

Bow down to her on Sunday                                      星期天向她跪拜

Salute her when her birthday comes                        她生日時祝她健康

For Halloween buy her a trumpet                             萬聖節時買喇叭送她

And for Christmas, give it a drum.                           聖誕節時送鼓

